Declaration on Quality


by the management of Neochim  PLC, Dimitrovgrad, on quality, environment  and occupational health and safety policy

NEOCHIM PLC is a leading manufacturer of nitrogen mineral fertilizers in Bulgaria. At the present moment we meet the main share of the market demand for ammonium nitrate in the country. A part of the production is exported to the international market as well,  where  the  company maintains stable positions.

The main goal of the management’s policy is to strive for maintaining  and  constantly  improving  the quality of the offered  products and  the  environment, occupational health and safety and the achieved results   on the basis of  efficient  management of  the company processes.  Our policy aims at a better satisfaction of the needs and expectations of our customers, and at achieving compliance with all applicable local, national, international, and other requirements related to the products, environment, occupational health and safety.

In order to achieve the ultimate goal, the management will work for:

  • Management of the benefits and costs resulting from its overall activity, and setting reasonable, achievable, and economically secured goals and tasks, related to quality, the environment and occupational health and safety as an element of the company’s development program;
  • Loyalty and orientation towards the present and future customers. Assuring a system range, suitable for our products, activities and impacts on the environment, nature of risk and risk levels associated with occupational health and safety;
  • Improving the consumer qualities of the products based on establishing mutually beneficial relations with suppliers and customers, and maintaining efficient partner-ship  in  the process of  joint  work.
  • Creation of efficient organization of company management, by which flexible and quick reaction will be carried out in the event of changes in market conditions, and for observing  the applicable national and local normative documents, and other requirements of our company  concerning  environmental  aspects, occupational health and safety and  compliance  assessment.
  • Optimization of the product prices and  reduction of the impact on the environment by means of suitable actions related to recycling, treatment, or waste disposal, and ensuring the necessary resources for technological renovation.
  • Defining our responsibility for the customers’ and society’s health and safety with regard to the impact of our products and processes.
  • Creating credibility  among the interested parties in the organization’s efficiency, by strict observation of the technological and ecological requirements of the production process.
  • Constant improvement and achieving the goals relating to avoidance of environ-mental pollution, injuries and illnesses by performing systematic checks and applying corrective and preventive actions.
  • Active engagement of the top management and each staff member, and accepting the principles and the spirit of this policy, by ensuring motivation, training, and qualification.
  • Assessment of the efficiency and suitability of the policy by its regular review and actualization by the management, depending on the changes and the evaluation of our activity.

By implementing this policy Neochim PLC will respond to the high requirements toward quality and the environment, in compliance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001. This policy has been proclaimed to all staff members, employed by the company, and has been made available to all interested parties.

General Managing Director